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Security Services - - - - - - - - Robert W. Bennett, Sr.

Category:Support Staff

I am a retired law enforcement member.  I am 78 years of age and am honored to serve the needs of such a fine school for our community.  My age should not elude you in thinking that I am old.  I am in fine working order.

I am the father of five children.  My youngest took martial arts for several years at this studio.  I am proud of her achievement of 4th Gup Green Belt.  All my children are living out their adult lives in various locations in the country.

I am a veteran of the armed forces serving in the U.S. Air Force for 4 years going into law enforcement afterwards.  I have retired from law enforcement and security positions to include; retired Major of the Florida Highway Patrol serving the great state of Florida for many years, retired as the Head of Security at Aiken Technical College as well as retiring from Sweetheart Cup Company as Head of Security at that facility.

I have 13 years, as of this writing, serving this studio.  My position has allowed me to visit and review many studios in this area and I certainly feel that this school and its families offer a great positive environment for all ages to grow and participate in life.